Personal V&R Map
What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?
The students use E-mail to conmunicate with thier instructors. It is important for student to have thier digital identities when they use email. The Youtube and Tik Tok use in a personal entertainment. Also, zoom and brightspace use for online study, students should learn and accept how to learn online during the Covid-19.
What could the student consider in expanding their professional learning network?
Students should consider how to protect thier personla privacy in thier professional learning network. Leaking personal privacy may cause property damage or personal safety. So, protecting personal privacy is the first thing during using network.
How does data privacy and security limit and/or promote a PLN?
I think the data privacy and security limit a PLN because people will be cautiously to create their PLN. Leaking privacy may have serious consequences. So, people are afraid to express themselves.
In your network how can you create a digital identity/ reputation?
Express yourself more in network. Show your strengths as much as possible and avoid your shortcomings from being magnified.
Hi nathan,
I agree with you, especially the answer to the first question. I use emails and bright space almost every day because I am studying online classes. I hope we can protect our personal privacy in the professional learning network. Looking forward to your next blog!
Hi Nathan,
I agree with you that data privacy and security is a limitation of PLN. There are cases which personal information is leaked on the internet, and the consequences are huge. Therefore, we need to be caution when we are using the internet.