Community Contributions

Hi Andrew, I agree you that rewards of public communications. During the Covid-19, many people cannot go to school. The public communications are really solve the problems during Covid-19 when people cannot go outdoor. This is very important way to maintain the functioning of society during the Covid-19.

Hi Andrew, I also think the data privacy and security limit a PLN. As you said there are leak on personal information by third party software, so people will be cautiously to create their PLN. Therefore, people will minimize the consequences of leaking privacy. Thereby reducing expressing yourself on PLN.

Hi Andrew, I like your view of inclusion. I used to think that inclusion meaning is that do not criticizing others. Your explanation of inclusion gave me a deeper understanding of the word. I very agree that inclusion need people to know, to understand, and to recognize before acceptance. This let me know that inclusion is not just acceptance and non-criticism.

Hi Andrew, I think photography can really help your PLN become better. People like things that look beautiful, which can attract people’s attention very well. It is a great thing to integrate your hobbies into your PLN.

Hi Andrew, I like your cat, he is so cute. I also have a Ragdoll, hope to share with you the experience of raising cats. I agree that “notables use social media with extreme caution”. In China, if a notables make inappropriate comments on the Internet, their career may be seriously affected. I think when a person who speak with influential, he should consider the impact of what he says. Notables should speak more rigorously so as not to have a bad influence, especially for children who don’t know how to distinguish between good and bad.

Hi Anna, I agree with you that “A diverse PLN will attract more and more audiences from various backgrounds and encourage sharing of different views among the group.” Also, the inclusion maked people feel free to talk. The audiences’ opinions from different backgrounds will also be recognized by everyone, rather than blindly rejected. Knowing each other can learn better in PLN.

Hi Anna, I am also a user of CourseSpaces and BrightSpace and benefit from them. During the Covid-19, I cannot stop using BrightSpaces because I need to use it for online learning. In addition, I think Youtube is also a social media platform that is very useful for education. I learn a lot of course content by watching Youtube videos, which is very helpful for my online learning.

Hi Anna, I agree with you about the media literacy explained and why is it important. Media literacy also is ability of people to make true judgments about information. The development of the media has led to the dissemination of many false information, which requires people to have a good judgment on the authenticity of the information. Therefore, the media literacy is very important.

Hi Anna, as you said that PLN bings more job opportunities. Whether the PLN helps you get to know more people, or others have discovered your strengths in your PLN. This will undoubtedly bring more job opportunities.

Blog Post #10 – Engaging your PLN

– Can your PLN be used to help professional development post-course? If yes, how? If no, what limitations exist?

I think my PLN can be used to help professional development. I can boldly express my ideas on my PLN, and at the same time, I can boldly ask questions. People exchange different information and have different thingkings which can provide me some differents opions that I never thought before. So I think this is very helpful to me.

 Can your PLN be relied on to open professional opportunities?

Of course PLN can provide me with more job opportunities, depending on the personal PLN content. If I show my advantages well in the PLN, and the employer identify with my advantages, he can connect with me through my PLN. Also, if my PLN is supported by many people, I may also get a job in the media.


Miller. (2021, October 25). EDCI PODCAST – 2021-10-24 Mo Amir [Video]. YouTube.

Blog Post #9 – Why Media Literacy matters in your PLN

– What is media literacy?

The media literacy is the medium of delivering messages. The media literacy is that ability for people to figure out what really is valid, and people understand why they choose the sources that they found.

– Why is it important?

There are so many informations online, and it is impossible to figure out what is real meaningful valid or ture. If people cannot distinguish between false and true information, then they cannot obtain valid information on the Internet. This not only prevents them from learning things in PLN, but it is also possible to learn the wrong knowledge and make themselves worse than before.

– Why is it dismissed?

AsJulie Smith said, people want to see the things or ideas that they agree with. The media will also cater to the preferences of the audience to publish information to make money, not all the truth is accepted. The media in order to satisfy certain emotional and intellectual needs. They will let people see what they want.

– Why should you aim for varied views but the factual consensus in your PLN?

There are many people from different professions and different place, and everyone has different ideas. So there will have different sounds. Not everyone who differs from my point of view is wrong. It is just that everyone’s views on things may be affected by certain aspects, such as the growth environment, parental education, and ethnic culture. Therefore, watching other people’s points of view and thinking can make your own point of view more perfect.


Miller. (2021, June 7). EDCI 338 – MEDIA LITERACY with JULIE SMITH [Video]. YouTube.

Trilling, B., Fadel, C., Partnership for 21st Century Skills, & Books24x7, I. (2009). 21st century skills: Learning for life in our times (1st ed.). Jossey-Bass.

Blog Post #8 – PLN & Education

–Explore the video provided and reflect on the themes of a PLN in a professional capacity.

Brad Baker used his PLN for indigenous people. The indigenous people got benefits by that. Also, it is a effective way to connect and work with individuals in different parts of the world people. The PLN can bring understand for everyone’s story and experience. Also, people can be positive contributors to society because professional learning community is a healthy dialogue but also respectful dialogue.

–Which social media platforms are beneficial in education?
I think all the social media platforms can be beneficial in education. People only need to follow education-related content and authority figures on social media platforms. You can learn education-related content on different social media platforms. Therefore, I think all social media platforms can be heneficial of learning education. The correct use of social media platforms is what we should do, not to find a social mnedia platform that only allows you to learn. Also, people can hear the true story by social media plaatforms. The second or third hand informations are generally loses its meaning at some point. For example, attention to the indigenous leaders, and getting their story and voice out there which is so important because this is their real voice, without any polishing.

–Consider the equality that exists when all have the same platform to engage community dialogues.

When all people have the same platform to engage community dialogues, everyone has the right to speak. They can share their thoughts on the platform. Everyone is no longer just a learner, but can also become an educator.


Miller. (2021, June 11). Brad Baker EDCI 338 [Video]. YouTube.

Blog Post #7 – Community engagement is public communications

What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from with messaging that impacts the community?

The benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social meaida sharing is that diversity and inclusion will make people speak without psychological burden. People will treat all kinds of thinkings more rationally because they will take into account that this may be different ideas from different races, cultures or social status. Although some people cannot understand some ideas, people will respect each other’s ideas. This allows people to boldly express their true inner thoughts without having to cater to others.

Consider the audiences and how we adapt our messaging accordingly.

Firstly, we need to know the audiences like. Then, while ensuring the truthfulness of the information, try to cater to the audience as much as possible. Secondly, we must accept the opinions of the audience and actively improve. We can also add some photos to make the audience feel interesting. Determine our PLN style, and always publish information in the same style, so that audiences who like us can always pay attention to us.

Research our guest and see how they leveraged their network into a campaign.

Our guest is Markiel Simpson. He is a building manager at BC housing. He is a community organizers, and he join a lot of alliances and political learning. His PLN is very diverse and inclusive. He used these organizations or activities to make people love him more and support his opnions, thus making his campaign easier.


Miller. (2021, June 2). EDCI – 338 MARKIEL SIMPSON [Video]. YouTube.

Blog Post #6

– Identify the risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space – what are the risks for a public figure or person in a position of trust (educator, lawyer, government official)?

Engaging with a public audience in a media space has benefits. Which is people in different identity, social status, occupation and cultures. But they all in the same media space, which makes them sharce their different thinking. Also, there are some risks for a public figure or person in a position of trust engaging in a media space. For example, if they publish false information or inappropriate remarks, this will affect people’s trust in them, and even cause people to hate them.

– How to best address negative replies and critiques reflective of your personal values and employer social media policy?

Firstly, accept negative replies and critiques reflective. Accepting the opinions of others can make others feel respected. Secondly, try to make changes to reduce these negative replies and critiques reflective. Just try to reduce, don’t worry about avoiding all negative replies and critiques reflective because you cannot make everyone satisfied.

– How do notable individuals use social media?

The social media has very fast information dissemination speed, so the notable individuals should be very carful to use the social media. They should show their positive side, and reduce the chance to show their negative speech or actions. The notable individuals are paid attention to when they use the social media, so they can easily influence people, especially children. Therefore, promoting positive things is what notable individuals should do on the social media.

What are the benefits of being in the public eye and having a PLN?

Being in the public eye and having a PLN will make the person’s speech more credible. When this person is sought after, others will believe what he/she says. The person can affect the direction of public opinion. Also, he/she can get more income by having a PLN. For example, the person who are being in the public eye and having a PLN which has many followers can promot products on his/her PLN. So he/she can increase his/her income and get a better life.

– Building community with online tools provided by the employer can be limiting, what are the perceived restrictions and benefits?

The limiting is that the speech will be monitored by employer. People can only talk about work-related content, and cannot express their opinions as they please. For example, dissatisfaction with the company or complaints. The benefits is that employer can manage their employees better. Also, the online tools can block some bad words, or illegal words.

– Delivering information in a connected society requires verifiable resources, how to build a PLN to rely on?

Add academic citations when publishing articles or opinions when you build a PLN. This will greatly increase the credibility of the article, and people will be more willing to believe in evidence-based content.

– How do those, who are veteran storytellers, minimize risk in sharing misinformation?

Repeatedly confirm whether there is any deviation in what you are telling, and tell things based on facts and evidence.


Hirst, M. (2018). Navigating Social Journalism: A Handbook for Media Literacy and Citizen Journalism (1st ed.). Routledge.

Miller. (2021, June 7). Jody Vance – Media Voices [Video]. YouTube.


How would you create a PLN prior to engaging a social media campaign on a topic of your choice?

First I need to determine my PLN content, and then find the audience. After understanding the audience’s preferences, publish the content that the audience is interested in. Also, keeping my PLN updated is important. People will not pay attention with PLN that has a very long period of time to update. The last thing is to follow some professionals on the same subject to improve my professional level. I can also publish content related to professionals to increase pageviews.

Choose a topic, consider your audiences, and consider how you would crate a social media campaign leveraging your PLN.

My PLN topic will talk about Heathy. I can publish some health-related data and tell you the importance of health. I believe that people care about their health. When people want to maintain their body’s health or want to make their lives healthy, they will continue to follow me. My audiences can be everyone who can use Internet .

Blog Post #4 – PLN and Inclusion

  • How diverse is your existing PLN?

My exist PLN is not much diverse. I do not particularly like sharing my life on the Internet. Although I like to use social software, I rarely share my life. According to my V&R map, many softwares I use are for learning. I did not show too much, but also to protect my personal privacy. So I think my PLN is not much diverse.

  • In your PLN, are you learning from a variety of voices or are you the loudest in the room?

In my PLN, I am learning from a variety of voices. As I said above, I do not share things much. I am willing to listen to other people’s ideas. So, I have always been a role who learned from others.

  • Do you participate in a silo of information sharing (similar themes or wide range of interests)?

I do some sharing on TikTok with my friends. I do not follow everyone I know because there is a notice about your friends comment in TikTok. I do not want all the people I know can see my comments, I only want to share with some of friends.

  • How can you use a diverse PLN to broaden your views of inclusion?

I think we should have the views of inclusion first, then we can learn things in a correctly way. There is no country on the Internet, and everyone can express his personal views. I think we should think calmly and be tolerant.

  • In your professional setting of choice, do you think inclusion is actively embraced?

I do think my professional setting’s inclusion is actively embraced. I am a international student, and there are many international students around me. They come from different countries, but everyone is inclused each others.

  • What is the learning outcome of your PLN and how are you ensuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion?

I learned a lot things that I am interesting from my PLN. I think using my PLN to learn different field’s things. The PLN will be more diversity. Reducing my criticism on the Internet will also make my PLN more inclusion.

  • How has your thinking about inclusion and PLN evolved after reviewing the videos and readings?

I realized that we should accept first, then we may find the truth. As said in the video, she did not think she have value in the book club community, but she cannot leave book club community after use a while. So, I think to be inclusion can leearn more effectively.


Miller. (2021, May 30). EDCI 338 – 20 Minutes Moore [Video]. YouTube.

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