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Blog Post #3 – Visitor & Resident Maps

Personal V&R Map

What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?

The students use E-mail to conmunicate with thier instructors. It is important for student to have thier digital identities when they use email. The Youtube and Tik Tok use in a personal entertainment. Also, zoom and brightspace use for online study, students should learn and accept how to learn online during the Covid-19.

What could the student consider in expanding their professional learning network?

Students should consider how to protect thier personla privacy in thier professional learning network. Leaking personal privacy may cause property damage or personal safety. So, protecting personal privacy is the first thing during using network.

How does data privacy and security limit and/or promote a PLN?

I think the data privacy and security limit a PLN because people will be cautiously to create their PLN. Leaking privacy may have serious consequences. So, people are afraid to express themselves.

In your network how can you create a digital identity/ reputation?

Express yourself more in network. Show your strengths as much as possible and avoid your shortcomings from being magnified.


Blog Post #2 – Personal Learning Networks and Digital Identity

• What does it mean to network using social media?

Social media can make people know each other. Express yourself on social media can make more friends. People can study and work together. Some of people may afraid to talk people face to face, but using social media is easily to comunicate and share ideas. People can express their thoughts and opinions without pressure. Also, people will learn things with out realizing it when using social media.

• How are we motivated to participate in networked publics?

The interest is the best motivated to participate in networked publics. People always want to do the things that they are interested. When there is a lot of information on the Internet that people are interested in, people will actively participate.

• What are the risks & rewards of public communications?

Information dissemination becomes easy, people can get any information that they want at home. But it will also make fake information spread faster. It is easy to create false information, but it is difficult to correct it.

• What is a digital identity?

Digital identity is your presence online. It is every thing that you did online. Your post, search, comments and all the things you did combine be your digital identity. It is kind of your footprint on web.

• How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use?

Some potential employer might hire workers online. According their digital identity, they show their personality, writing skill and attitude. This is a way to know the real situation of the workers.

How do digital identities converge in networked publics – what are the impacts and/or benefits?

People’s words and deeds will be easily amplified and spread on the Internet. Some people were fired by company because they post discriminatory language, and some companies suffered economic losses by their workers improper remarks. Also, there are many people have suffered online violence due to other people’s rumors.


Gutierrez, K. (2016, June 21). What are personal Learning networks? What are Personal Learning Networks? Retrieved from

Blog Post #1 – Self-Introduction

Hi guys, my name is Nathan Yi. I was born in Jiangxi, China and currently living in Shenzhen, China. I am a 4th year Uvic students, and my majoy is economics. Welcome to my site. I will learn about “Social Media and Personalized Learning” and post some blogs in the site, please feel free to leave comments.

Looking forward to learn together with you guys.

All the best,


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